Submit an Application Below!


Please fill out this form and we will be in touch shortly.


Questions about how we work? Hopefully the answers are below, if not please contact us with further questions.

How is van rental price calculated?

Our van rental price is calculated based off the organization fiscal capabilities as well as length of rental. We will be able to give you an exact quote after you complete the application above.

Does my organization have to be a 501c3 to access resources? 

While we are looking to partner with 501c3 organizations, we are open to collaborating with all type of community lead and focused organizations.

Does my organization need to be based in the South or West Side to partner with the Village Health?

Yes, we are only currently working with organizations that are based in and serve the South Side of Chicago.

How can I get in touch with the Village Health?

We would love to hear from you. Please fill out a contact form on the “Contact Us” page.